Term Dates
"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
(2 Corinthians 9:7)
General Information for Parents
Parent code of conduct
St Charles RC Primary School Parent code of conduct 2024.pdf
New Starters to our Early Years
New Foundation Stage Prospectus 2023-2024.pdf
If you are unhappy about any aspect of school life, you are encouraged to discuss your concerns with your child's teacher or the Headteacher.
Complaints relating to Religious Education/Collective Worship should be made to the Chair of Governors via the school address.
A copy of the complaints procedure is available on the policies section of the school website.
The Cost of Living Crisis
As I hope you all know, our school is here not only to look after our children but also our families. It is a very trying and financially testing time for many of our families at the moment and the next few months could see many hitting crisis point. My message to you is that you are not alone and we are here to help wherever possible. Working with the Early Help team in Salford, we can also refer families in to a number of agencies, not least local food banks. There is support if you are facing housing and financial related difficulties. We also collect uniform at school and if you need any at all, please just ask at the office, it is waiting to be used. Please get in touch with me at school if you feel you could benefit from any help at all. We know that this could also impact on our children and we have Sania fromPlace2Be available every Thursday and Friday. If you are ever worried about your child's mental health or well-being, please get in touch so that we can set something up. If it is your own mental health and well-being that is suffering, do not suffer alone. We are here to listen and help at school and we have completed lots of referrals for men and women over the last few months. Please reach out to me at school if I can help or direct you to support in any way. This will be completely confidential and I will be delighted to help you. We are all one family at St. Charles and we are here for both you and your children at any time at all.
Online Safety
Safe settings, controls and monitoring
Apple, Android and Microsoft have tools to help you control what younger children can use and how long for. Click the images below for details. Once they are older and have your trust, the same tools can help avoid arguments and help them learn to self-regulate (how long have they really been on insta today? have they put down the phone at all in the last week?).
Solihull Parenting Support
Solihull Parenting Support leaflet.pdf
Maths Support
Click below to help with Maths homework and how we teach calculation ( - x /)
St Charles Calculation Policy 2022.pdf
Here are some websites to support your children's transition into our EYFS setting.
- BBC Bitesize Starting primary school - BBC Bitesize
- BBC Tiny Happy People Activities for kids: Fun development and bonding ideas for babies, toddlers and pre-school children - BBC Tiny Happy People
- Government Hungry Little Minds Hungry Little Minds - Simple fun, activities for kids aged 0- 5 (campaign.gov.uk)