St Charles RC Primary School


If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below. 

Children are admitted to our Nursery class in the September of the school year they turn four years old.

Please be aware that admissions to our nursery does not guarantee admission to the reception class. Parents must follow normal procedures when applying for full-time education.

Children are admitted to Reception for full time education in the September of the school year they turn five years old.  Following an offer for a place in Reception, the children are guaranteed a place in school until the end of Year 6, whereby they apply for a place at a local high school.  Usually, most of our children transfer to St Ambrose Barlow High School, but others have been successful in gaining a place at St Patricks, Canon Slade, Moorside, Co-op Walkden and Co-op Swinton.

Link to Salford admissions


All parents wishing their child to be admitted to the school are warmly invited to make an appointment to visit the school, meet the Headteacher and look around. It is important to emphasise that any admissions request are subject to the Salford Local Authority admission procedures and policies. As such, all applications to attend St. Charles' RC Primary School must go through Salford Admissions.  

If the school is oversubscribed the places will be allocated according to the following admission criteria: 

In-Year Applications

An application can be made for a place for a child at any time outside the admission round and the child will be admitted where there are available places.  An application should be made to the school by completing the in-year admissions application form and returning it to Salford City Council School Admissions.

Where there are places available but more applications than places, the published oversubscription criteria, as set out in the admission arrangements for 2021-2022, will be applied.  Our Admissions policy can be found on our Policies page of the website.  Parents are advised to read the admission arrangements carefully before making their application.

If there are no places available, the child will be added to the waiting list.  Please see the admission arrangements for more details.

You will be advised of the outcome of your application in writing as soon as possible.  Applicants must be informed of the outcome of their application within 15 school days of receipt, but the aim is to notify applicants of the outcome of their application within 10 school days of receipt.

You have the right to appeal to an independent appeal panel if your application is unsuccessful.  

If an application for admission has been turned down by the Governing Body, parents can appeal to an Independent Appeals Panel. Parents must be allowed at least 20 school days from the date of notification that their application was unsuccessful to submit that appeal. The parents must give their reasons for appealing in writing and the decision of the Appeals Panel is binding on the Governors.

Admissions Policy 2024-25.pdf

School Accessibility Plan

Accessibility Plan_.pdf

If you have any questions in relation to in-year admissions please contact Mrs Shearer in the school office.  

Who do I contact for more information?

If you have any further queries or require additional information, please contact the Admissions and Exclusions Team on 0161 909 6508.

Admissions and Exclusions Team

Children's Services
2nd Floor
Unity House
Salford Civic Centre
Chorley Road
M27 5AW for further information

St Charles RC Primary School
Emlyn Street
M27 9PD

Tel: 0161 921 1945
Access Arrangements:

St Charles RC Primary School is a single storey site. It has one main building and a separate library building. The library building is a single storey with ramps to allow access for all. Both buildings have disabled toileting facilities.

The carpark offers one disabled car parking space, although if further spaces are required, we would ask visitors to contact school ahead of their visit and necessary arrangements can be made.

For any further details or support please do not hesitate to contact the school ahead of your visit.
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