St Charles RC Primary School

"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me"

Matthew 25:35-36


CSI Inspection report

The key strengths of the school are:

  • The appreciation and love of the St Charles community and ensuring all (especially the most needy) are welcomed and feel embraced in a loving, Catholic, family community.
  • Pupils who have a high level of enjoyment at school who wish to give of their best in all elements of the religious education curriculum and wider provision.
  • Highly committed staff who wish to give of their best at all times for their community.
  • Prayer is at the heart of the school and pupils are given the opportunity to reflect upon and develop personal prayer.
  • Pupil leadership teams are highly committed to St Charles and ensure that they always give of their best. 

St Charles, Swinton - Final Report Letter for Headteacher_15-09-23.pdf

CSI RE Inspection report July 2023_15-09-23.pdf


At St Charles RC we develop the whole child.  We recognise and encourage God given talents and skills of all kinds and we develop independent learners.  Raising attainment and achievement are central to the ethos of our school.  We provide a creative, rich and stimulating learning experience for all the children in our school.  We use a range of teaching and learning strategies, approaches, styles and activities to ensure all children learn to the best of their ability.  Learning is carefully differentiated and pitched to suit learners' needs.  Learning is enhanced through bright, stimulating resources, display and modern technology.  We have themed weeks as well as a wide range of extra-curricular after school clubs to enrich and extend learning, to ensure that every child experiences success.

CARITAS in action

CARITAS is the helping hand of the Catholic Church reaching out to the poor, vulnerable and excluded, regardless of race or religion, to build a world based on justice and fraternal love. This website has more information about CARITAS

We start each half term with a CARITAS focus and teach CARITAS lessons. Our school Beatitudes also support all our CARITAS teaching in a practical way. We have annual collections for Cornerstones and St Joseph's Penny.

Have a look at this website for more information about CARITAS in our local Salford Diocese. We are involved in supporting the Laudato-Si Centre at Wardley Hall.


At St Charles RC every child and adult is offered the sense of belonging. They are given many opportunities to grow towards the person God wishes then to be. The school gives many opportunities for parents to accompany their children on their journey of faith.

Spirituality, including the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation lie at the heart of our authentic Catholic community. Mindfulness and meditation further supports the spiritual journey of children and adults.

The school successfully uses the children's curiosity and enthusiasm for learning to open up and explore the big questions of life. Children are nurtured and supported and encouraged to reach their full potential. In times of vulnerability they receive outstanding pastoral care. Child protection procedures are clear, known and effective.

The children are given many opportunities for outreach and generosity of spirit towards each other and those less fortunate locally, nationally and internationally.

Catholic leadership is strong across the governing body and internal leadership. Religious Education is very well led and managed. Staff are proud to be beacons of faith to children. Significant resources are given to the development of the catholic life of the school and Religious Education.

Listening to the Word of God, sharing and experiencing catholic traditions, the role of pupil chaplains, and, developing Caritas in action are key experiences across the school.

As a result of the above, by the time they leave St Charles:

  • children have a sense of God as real;
  • a sense of love and responsibility for their neighbour;
  • a desire to be part of and worship within a catholic community;
  • and, to be a witness to Christ and his Church.
St Charles RC Primary School
Emlyn Street
M27 9PD

Tel: 0161 921 1945
Access Arrangements:

St Charles RC Primary School is a single storey site. It has one main building and a separate library building. The library building is a single storey with ramps to allow access for all. Both buildings have disabled toileting facilities.

The carpark offers one disabled car parking space, although if further spaces are required, we would ask visitors to contact school ahead of their visit and necessary arrangements can be made.

For any further details or support please do not hesitate to contact the school ahead of your visit.
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