St Charles RC Primary School

School day

Nursery 8.55am - 3.15pm = 31 hours and 40 minutes per week

Reception 8.55am - 3.20pm = 32 hours and 5 minutes per week

Y1 8.55am - 3.25pm = 32 hours and 30 minutes per week

Y2 - Y6 8.55am - 3.30pm = 32 hours and 55 minutes per week

Severe Weather Procedure

In the event of a severe weather warning being issued the decision to close school will only be taken in exceptional circumstances.


We will ensure that parents are informed via social media and text message of the decision to close school before 8.00am, but this deadline may not apply in every circumstance.


Information will be published on our school website and local radio stations also informed of school closures and regularly updated where necessary. 


In the event that school does remain open and we find that conditions deteriorate through the school day presenting a risk of harm or injury we may have to decide to close school early. Parents will be contacted via text message and asked to collect the children  from the school.


St Charles RC Primary School
Emlyn Street
M27 9PD

Tel: 0161 921 1945
Access Arrangements:

St Charles RC Primary School is a single storey site. It has one main building and a separate library building. The library building is a single storey with ramps to allow access for all. Both buildings have disabled toileting facilities.

The carpark offers one disabled car parking space, although if further spaces are required, we would ask visitors to contact school ahead of their visit and necessary arrangements can be made.

For any further details or support please do not hesitate to contact the school ahead of your visit.
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