Term Dates
St Charles RC Primary School
Welcome to our Governors' section
Our school governors play an integral part in how our school is run. Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
Governing Body Meeting Dates
Final Governors Meetings Dates 2024-2025.pdf
Our Governors
Governing Board Constitution 2023-2024_20-10-23.pdf
- Philip Royle - (Chair of Governors Committee and Foundation Governor)
- Nicola Drake (Headteacher)
- Tina Parsons (Vice Chair LA Govenor)
- Susan Beardshaw (Foundation Govenor
- Peter Farley (Foundation Governor)
- Andrew Martin (Foundation Governor)
- Laurice Kengne (Foundation Governor)
- Gemma Robinson (Parent Governor)
- Nicola Johnson (Parent Governor)
- Fr Ernest Attah (Parish Priest)
- Christina Leckey (Teacher Governor)
Governors Business and Pecuniary interests November 2023_27-11-23.pdf
Governing body documents
Governors Attendance at Meetings 2022 - 2023_07-12-23.pdf