St Charles RC Primary School

"I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me."

(Matthew 25:35)

Headteachers Welcome

Thank you for visiting our website.  St Charles RC is a very special place.  We are a happy school where everyone works hard to encourage children to enjoy learning, achieve their best, behave well, support each other and grow in confidence.  We aim to help children to grow into confident, talented and articulate young people.  We are an exciting and vibrant school where children enjoy learning and make good progress.  In our school, we seek to meet the needs of each individual child.  We celebrate diversity and teach children to recognise and respect people's individual differences as well as similarities.  St Charles RC recognises the significant role of parents in helping their children progress and greatly values the contributions parents make to the life of our school.

Our Catholic schools are an essential part of the mission of the Church.  We are called to proclaim and affirm that we are all created in the image of God.  The work of our Catholic school is to call forth each person's unique God given gifts in the love and service of both God and others. At St Charles we are truly focused on Jesus Christ, we adore Him and we love our brothers and sisters as He has loved us.  We grow strongest in Faith when we learn of what Jesus taught us, by His Word and His action, in His ministry.  We are His disciples and at St Charles RC, we learn about Him everyday.  We celebrate our Faith in Word and Sacrament, in liturgy and in prayer.   We reinforce our faith by challenging and encouraging each child to be the best that they can be in the discovery of their gifts and talents.

The Kingdom of God is both our ultimate goal and the foundation of our mission.  We are creative in the way that we invite the Lord into our curriculum which brings joy to our children.  We are always looking for ways to draw our children closer to the Lord.  We look forward to welcoming your child to our school family.

God bless

Mrs Nicola Drake

Our mission at St. Charles RC Primary School is to try and centre our life in Jesus Christ, the spiritual foundation of our community.

We aim to pass on the faith we share in partnership with you.

We want the children in our care to grow and develop to their full potential within a caring Catholic community which recognises fully their true worth and God given talents.

We look forward to working with you in a spirit of mutual trust and support.

We take pride belonging to St. Charles RC Primary School.


As a family of God, we love to learn and learn to love

We are an Operation Encompass school.

For further information, please come in and see us

St Charles RC Primary School
Emlyn Street
M27 9PD

Tel: 0161 921 1945
Access Arrangements:

St Charles RC Primary School is a single storey site. It has one main building and a separate library building. The library building is a single storey with ramps to allow access for all. Both buildings have disabled toileting facilities.

The carpark offers one disabled car parking space, although if further spaces are required, we would ask visitors to contact school ahead of their visit and necessary arrangements can be made.

For any further details or support please do not hesitate to contact the school ahead of your visit.
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